Teeth Extractions in Alliston

Our Alliston dental team makes it easy and comfortable to have a tooth extracted, including wisdom teeth.
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Teeth extractions in Alliston

There are various reasons why a tooth may need to be removed. Whether the reason is that it is a wisdom tooth that's causing pain, is fractured (and can't be repaired), infected, or crowded by other teeth, our Alliston dental team has the expertise and experience to get that tooth removed with minimal discomfort.

If you require a tooth extraction, our Alliston dentist Dr. James Kim or Dr. Kent Lam will make sure you feel prepared and ready before any treatment. This includes taking appropriate X-rays, discussing treatment options, reviewing your medical history, and reviewing pre-and post-operative instructions. Our Alliston Village Dental team prioritizes the comfort of our patients, so rest assured you are in good hands.

If you think you may need to get a tooth or more extracted, contact our Alliston dental office today! Our Alliston dentists offer in-house surgeries for extractions with their team of professionals.

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